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本公司生产的船用生活污水处理装置适用于10-300名船员的各类船舶和海洋石油钻井平台,按执行的新旧标准分为两种,包括:SWCB型船用生活污水处理装置(符合MEPC.2(VI)决议)、SWCM型船用生活污水处理装置(MEPC.159(55)决议)。新旧排放标准的差异见下附表。 船用生活污水处理装置 属IMO防止船舶造成海洋污染公约《MARPOL 73/78》附则IV的关键设备。现行的排放标准和性能试验准则是1976年12月3日颁布的MEPC.2(VI)决议(称为老标准),船用生活污水处理装置,遵守2006年10月13日颁布的MEPC.159(55)决议(称为新标准),公约规定自2010年1月1日起凡是吊装到不论新老船舶上的船用生活污水处理装置都应满足新标准的要求. Marine Sewage Treatment Plant belongs to the key devices for prevention of pollution form ships in seas and oceans according to the revised Annex IV of the International Convention of the Prevention of Pollution (MARPOL 73/78).The resolution MEPC.2 (VI) adopted on 3 December 1976 is the present guidelines on implementation of effluent standards and performance tests for STP, which is called “old standards”. This device is according to the resolution MEPC.159(55) enacted on 13 October 2006, which is called “new standards” .The convention (MARPOL 73/78) provides that all STPs installed on board on or after 1 January 2010 should meet the resolution MEPC159(55).The different effluent standards and days for type test in some organizations are as follows: 汇总各种规则和排放标准如下:
船用生活污水处理装置 用途(Application) : 本装置用于处理船上厕所下水道粪便污水(又称黑水),使之达到排放标准排放至舷处。本装置也可用作船上灰水的处理,但灰水应作预处理和选用容量较大的装置相匹配。 本装置获得授权发明2项,实用新型1项。已通过中国船级社CCS产品型式认可试验,型式认可号为NJ09T00025,现已大量生产,良好运用于民船和军船。 船用生活污水处理装置 特点(Specification): 1、采用卧式圆桶设计,两端圆形封头,耐压、结构紧凑。 2、装置为全自动控制,符合24小时机舱无人值守的要求。 3、采用内置“MBR”技术,使得装置体积缩小,解决舱容小而装置体积大的矛盾。 4、本装置在生物膜柜和中空纤维膜柜停歇曝气,形成“好氧-缺氧”过程,解决“脱氮除磷”问题。 5、本装置采用沉定柜和膜柜内污泥自动“气提法”返送至曝气柜和膜柜内停泵不停气,使膜的污垢自动脱落,须反冲洗水以及膜的“在线”清洗等技术,使膜的寿命可延长至8~9年。 6、“在线”清洗技术的应用,使得膜上污垢自动脱落,恢复膜通量,解决了因舱容小,打开清洗或更换膜组的困难。 7、排放水经进一步处理后,可达到“中水回用”的要求。 This device is applicable to treat the sewage, which means human body wastes and the wastes from the toilets on vessels and which is also called “black water”, to meet the effluent standards of IMO. MEPC.159(55), and discharge the effluent overboard. It is also applicable to treat the galley shower drainage which is called “grey water” on condition that the “grey water” is pretreated and there should select a bigger capacity model to match with. This device has obtained two items of Authorized Patent and one item of practical new patent, meanwhile has passed product type approval test by CCS,the type approval number:NJ09T00025. 1、Adopting horizontal circular design, ellipse closures on both ends, pressure resistance and compact structure. 2、The device is adopted auto-control, and compliance with the requirement of 24-hours unattended cabin. 3、adopting the "MBR" technology, allow devices to narrow the size, and solve the conflict of small space of cabin, but big volume of device. 4、The intermittent aeration in bio-membrane tank and hollow fiber membrane tank, form the process of "aerobic - anoxic", and resolve the problem of "nitrogen and phosphorus removal". 5、The device is adopting the principle of “air-lifting” to transfer the sludge from sediment tank and membrane tank to aeration tank, mealtimes the “pump stops and air never stopped”, so as the scale on the membrane surface comes down. Due to back flushing and clean the membrane “online” usd technology patent, so the life of membrane can be prolonged at least 8 to 9years. 6、"On-line" cleaning technology, making the dirt on membrane off automatically, recover membrane flux. It can be solved the problem of opening the cleaning or replacement of membrane difficultly caused by the small space in cabin. 7、The effluent after further treatment can be reached at the requirement of “water reuse”
原理概述(Principle Description) 本装置利用活性污泥、接触氧化和膜生物反应器MBR的处理原理消解有机污染物质。MBR 能达到高效、*和干净地处理污水,使排放水满足IMO 新标准和其他更严酷的要求。 This device adopts the principle of Activated Sludge, Bio-contact Oxidation and Membrane Biological Reactor (MBR) to digest organic pollutant. MBR can treat organic pollutant efficiently, drastically and cleanly to insure the effluent can meet the requirements of the resolution MEPC.159 (55) and other much hasher requirements. |